Alzheimer's Disease in India Consultancy Service

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Sunday, June 14, 2009


§ How can we identify Alzheimer's disease in people living alone?

o Through telephone, friends and relatives should be encouraged to be in touch; reverse help line approach where the NGOs can contact them periodically should be promoted

§ What ARDSI should do

o Each local chapter should engage with the local govt for advocacy and fundraising.

o The Delhi chapter should do advocacy with govt on policy planning through the planning commission, other departments etc. There has to be a dynamic national presence in the national capital to help ARDSI get access to both governmental and private support.

§ A few other issues for focus

o Legal issues - Doctors look after the patient and support groups focus on the care aspect. No one focus on other legal issues relating to property. ARDSI should liase with advocate and promote information on these aspects as in Alzheimer's Disease the patient’s decision making ability is impaired

o Advocacy with NSSO (Delhi) TISS and IIPS for including Alzheimer's Disease in their research to estimate incidence of Alzheimer's Disease

o Study of WHO report of 2001 to outline minimum action required for dementia care given the uniqueness of Indian context compared to the west.

o Dementia strategy paper should be distributed to all stakeholders and their comments invited

o To have National Dementia Registry

o To advocate with corporate to include Elderly/Dementia in CSR

o Dementia to be included in National Mental Health Prorammes

o To advocate to include Dementia in Disability ACT

o Have Multidisciplinary Dementia Day care Center

o Have Respite Care facility

o Have 24 x 7 Long Term care facility for the needy

o To include Dementia in Senior Citizens Maintenance ACT 2007

o To have more support groups for care givers

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